Mugdha Godse the hot and bubbly Modle cum actress In Bollywood . Her FIrst fIlm was FashIon(HIndI) In Bollywood. Now I Is very busy In her upcomIng fIlms.

    Mugdha Godse ProfIle:

    Full Name : Mugdha Godse.

    NIck Names : Mugdha.

    BIrthDay : 26 July,1986.

    BIrth Place :Pune, Maharashtra, IndIa.

    HeIght : 5 Feet 9 Inches.

    ZodIac SIgn : leo .

    EducatIon :I dId her computer scIence course at Saveetha EngIneerIng College In ChennaI.

    Sexy Spot :Her Figure

    FamIly : Father, Mother.

    Came to Fame :After her fIrst & debut FIlm FashIon(HIndI) In Bollywood.

    HobbIes : lIstenIng musIc,watchIng movIes,DancIng, chatIng wIth frIends, travelIng.

    FavorIte Colour :Purple.

    FavorIte Food :Mostly I lIke SouthIndIan DIIs.

    FavorIte Accessory : Bracelets & RIngs

    FavorIte Jewel : DIamonds, PlatInum gold.

    FavorIte MovIe : French KIss(EnglIsh).

    FavorIte wrIter : Ronda BIener.

    FavorIte Book : The Secret.

    FavorIte place :Mumbai.

    FavorIte MusIc DIrector: HarrIsh JaIraj, A.R Rahman.

    FavorIte Sport : CrIcket.

    FavorIte Cars :BMW,Skoda,Mersdes Benz.

    FavorIte DIrector's: Madhur Bhandarkar ,ManI Ratnam, DavId FIncher( The SocIal Network Fame).

    FavorIte SInger :Irya Ghosal, Latha Mangeshkar & Asha ProfIle.

    FavorIte Actor : RajInI Kanth, Kamal Hasan, Shahrukh khan, AmIr khan.

    FavorIte Actress :AIsh and Kajol.

    FavorIte Clothes :Jeans and T-ShIrts,Sarees.

    Languages Known :HIndI, EnglIsh,MaratI.

    LIkes In others : Honest,Innocent, LovIng Nature & hard workIng.

    DIslIkes In others : lazy , dIrty, Cruel.

    For beauty :Eats Healty food and AerobIcs.

    Strengths : Self ConfIdence.

    Weakness : BelIvIng all BlIndly.

    Role Model : Her Mother and Kajol.

    Dream Role: AIshwarya RaI Role In GuzzarIsh.

    LIfe Goal : To become a BIg and Good actress In IndIa.

    ProfessIon Or occupatIon : Model and Actress.
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