Important Reasons for drop in the Google Page Ranking Process

    There are many reasons are affecting the Google Page-ranking Process. They mostly belonging to Search Engine based, Website or Blog maintenance based and other reasons...

    The important reasons for site page rank fall from Google page ranking process are...

    Search Engine based-

    1) Change in the Search engine Ranking Algorithm

    2) Penalty by search engine- mostly due to hidden text, Selling text link ads ( Due to these activities Page rank transfer from your site to other i.e. you loose Page rank of your site)

    Website or Blog maintenance based-

    1) Site Promotional activities- Promote your site regularly because promotion is a continuous process in the Internet Marketing Arena. 

    2) Linking to penalized or bad neighborhood sites

    3) Discontinue from regular link building process 

    4) Link exchange with non-relevant sites( even in content)

    ( Tip-try to link exchange with sites that have CONTENT relevancy and high PAGE RANK sites ).

     Other reasons-

    1) Spam | Malware |  Hacking- Google warns the site visitors about the harmful results. Visitors dropped  as long as time goes until such problems solved from the page of site...

    2) Malpractice like Black hat SEO techniques...etc...

    3) Changes in the site Ex:- Template change

    know more details here on important factors affecting the website (or Blog) PageRanking process.
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