Why your website is not on the first page of Google Search Results Page

    Though you are regularly blogging, your site may not result in first in the first page of Google Search Results Page. 

    Do you know why?

    Search Engine Google follows some Algorithms to provide PageRank to website or Blog. Here are the reasons to Why your website is not on the first page of Google Search Results Page.

    They are,

    1) Non usage of Keywords in your content

    2) High Keyword competition

    3) Improper Keyword placements in the content

    4) Non-relevant Link exchange

    5) Improper Link exchange

    ( Ex:- Linking with low Pageranked sites)

    6) Number of backlinks of your site

    7) Presence of invisible texts in the site web pages

    8) Penalties by Google ( Search Engine)

    9) Black-Hat SEO techniques for your site

    10) High competition in your site belonging, relevant niche...etc......

                                    Before coming to conclusion on reasons to Why your website is not on the first page of Google Search Results Page, know about Google considerations on Pageranking process given here at below:

    Here are the some Important Reasons for drop in the Google Page Ranking Process.

    Here are the some Important Factors affecting the Web site Page Rank in the Web.

    Here are the some needed criteria to Measure your site PageRank by Google Search Engine.

    Hope Helpful...

    Keep Blogging...

    Keep Ranking......
    Source URL: https://newnewnew7.blogspot.com/2011/10/why-your-website-is-not-on-first-page.html
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