Tips to Get Better Alexa Rank for your Website or Weblog

    If your site is indexed in Google Search Engine, automatically your site gets both Google PageRank and Alexa Rank . There is a difference between Google PageRank and Alexa Rank.

    There are many usefulness of ALEXA RANK to your website. To gain more positive results, it needs to Get Better Alexa Rank for your Website or Blog ( another word to Weblog).  

    Here are the 3 some important tips to get better Alexa Rank for your website or blog.

    1) Get traffic (visitors) from who downloaded Alexa Tool Bar, This is compulsory one to get better Alexa Rank for your website or blog. The regular visits from visitors or Bloggers  ( who downloaded Alexa Tool Bar ) results in better Alexa Rank for your website or blog.

    Your site displays different Rank with who downloaded Alexa Tool Bar.

    Your site displays another different Rank with visitors who not downloaded Alexa Tool Bar.

     Yes. this is true...

    2) Get more numbers of Quality Backlinks

    The search engine ranking for your site is depends upon the number of backlinks that you have. So plan to gain more backlinks for your website.

    Because PageRank is nothing more than a representation of Quality backlinks.

    Backlinks helps in getting better Google PageRank as well as Alexa Rank

    3) Other methods

    a) After installing Alexa Tool Bar, visit your site every day. off-course this is the small one can also increases your site Alexa Rank SURELY.

    b) Display your Alexa Rank on your site to visitors. This is surely encourages others to link to you

    c) Popularise the Alexa Tool Bar and Alexa Rank among your friends and visitors also offer them to download-  
    Click here to Download Alexa Tool Bar.

    d) Write an impressive article about Alexa and give a link to their site or relevant Alexa webpages.

    e) Post a Trendy, Magnetic, Interactive fresh content in your site.

    Do you know about sites having Alexa Rank !

    Good Alexa Rank for a site with high traffic is less than  (<) 1 Lakh.

    Alexa Rankhas no effect with Google PageRank

    PPC ( Pay Per Click ) programs like Google Ad-sense and Alternate to Ad-sense are very suitable to be applied in a website or blog with good Alexa Rank.

    Get here more on What is the use of Alexa Rank.

    Get here more on Difference Between Google PageRank and Alexa Rank.

               Get Rank on web...

              Get position in web.....

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