Tips to Get Visitors to your Blog & Website

    Hi.  here I am going to share some Valuable and I.m.p. tips on getting visitors traffic to your Blog or Website. Many Bloggers discussed earlier on this topic"How to get traffic". With real time experience a few bloggers given their experienced views on Tips on Getting visitors traffic to your Blog or Website.
                                           Increase in visitors numbers definitely gives a strength to Bloggers. Ask any blogger? Is It ?   Surely you will get answer as "YES". ( from me also). Earlier for this Blog, I have only 60 to 300 visitors per day. But now I'm getting at regularly 5500 to 7300 per day. This is within the 60 days only.

    To increase online visitors, Follow these Tips to Get more Visitors to your Blog & Website.

    Post or Update the your Blogfrequently with latest trendy topics - 2 to 5  Posts per day,
                                                                             In each post, Give 2 to 3 links in the post
                                                                             Try atleast  2 to 5 Internal links per each post.
                                                                             Try to make 60-75 posts per Month (Averagely)
                                                                             Try to use Keywords 1-3% or 5-8% in your post

    Make sure that Your site home page download speed - Should be in LESS TIME ( 3-6 Seconds)

    Enable your site settings options to mobile devices ti search from mobile phones.

    Magnetic fresh Content always attracts visitors more and more.

    Your Magnetic Content should be Originally your OWN, REAL, Impressive presentation

    Here is some Examples for GOOD FORMS of  CONTENT
    1.                    How to.......
    2.                    How......
    3.                    Tips on......
    4.                    Top 10/ 50/ 100......
    5.                    Find Here......
    6.                    Best......
    7.                    List of......etc. 
    8.                    Free download...... 
    9.                    Get here about......          
    Check your visitors list to find Blogging topic

    Check once previously Written or covered Topics

    Email marketing of your Blog or Site to more & Regular traffic...
    Source URL:
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