What are the Backlinks? How to generate Backlinks to your website?

    After creation of website or Blog, to gain better Pagerank in the search pages your site should have backlinks more and more than your competitor sites have. Backlinks are not only improve your site rank in search, they also necessary to generate traffic to your site. Here is a question may araise "What are the Backlinks"?. and  Is there any methods or tips to generate Quality Backlinks effectively to website?

     What are the Backlinks?

    Backlinks are the links from other websites to your's site.

    Why you need Backlinks?

    Backlinks can generates traffic to your site

    Backlinks can brings traffic to your site

    Backlinks are important for Good Pagerank in the search

    Backlinks will helpful in better ranking in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP)

    Is there any methods or tips to generate Quality Backlinks effectively to website?

    Yes. there are some effective methods to generate backinks for your site.

    Then a question to you all. What are they?

    These are some good methods to generate Backlinks effectively and with quality to your website,

    They are,

    Method 1 - Submission of your site to Directories

    There are 2 types of directories 1) General directories

                                                    2) Nitche specific directories like Real estate directories,
                                                                                                      Green warming directories,   
                                                                                                       Finance directories...etc......

                            ( Useful tip-Submit your site to directories with high Pagerank )

    Method 2 - Allow Reciprocal links to your site

    Here prefer only link exchange with High Pagerank sites or Directories, 
    Try to link exchange with Relevant to your website content.

     Method 3 -Blog commenting
    Tip- Leave impressive comments or your words on other sites and provide your home page LINK or relevant content topic page link.

    Method 4 - Article sites submission 

    Tip- Write an article and submit in high Page-ranked Article sites

    Method 5 - Social websites & Social book marking sites

    These sites are best place to generate a huge traffic i.e. Visitors to your site

    Gain backlinks...

    Gain Visitors...
    Source URL: https://newnewnew7.blogspot.com/2011/10/what-are-backlinks-how-to-generate.html
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